





March 27, 2019

Weathering The Storms In Tulsa Oklahoma

Stormy feildsThe vast flatlands of Oklahoma make it a target for large scale storms and tornadoes. Tulsa residents expect storm season to start around March 15th and run through June 15th with the worst of the storms hitting in April and May. Torrential downpours, high winds, hail and tornadoes are common during storm season which can lead to a lot of property damage. In fact, Oklahoma is one of the top two states for frequent tornadoes in addition to Alabama.

A high frequency of property damaging weather has quite an impact on home insurance rates. It is important to shop around for the best deal using an independent agency like Dorsey Insurance.  We work with several carriers to get you the most coverage for the best price.

Storms can cause damage to your yard, roof, windows and siding. Not all damage is covered under standard homeowners insurance. For example, flooding damage is covered under an additional type of policy. The best thing you can do immediately after a storm hits is to take photos and make a list of damages, also record the date and time of the storm. When you call your insurance company to make a claim they will send an insurance adjuster out to your home to assess the damages.

In the event that your home is completely destroyed you will want to be carrying at least 80% of the home’s replacement value on your insurance policy. Some insurance policies will even cover “additional living expenses” (ALE) such as the cost of a hotel to stay at while your home is being repaired. Check your policy carefully before you sign up to make sure you are comfortable with the amount of coverage you are getting in the event of a storm.

Since Tulsa, and Oklahoma in general, can experience an average of up to 53 tornadoes a year, you are going to want the best policy you can comfortably afford. Our independent agents at Dorsey Insurance can help you find the perfect fit. Contact us to get a Tulsa homeowners insurance quote today by calling (918) 665-7400.

Tags: home insurance, insurance, oklahoma, Tulsa

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